Bloodline does more than just explain your appearance, it gives you skills and abilities as well.

Snowsetters have blood from the largest colony around, Snowset. They strike hard and can take more than a few hits. They’re not well versed in divinity, preferring to focus on the natural world.
They’re large, fluffy felids that rarely travel alone. Friendship and family are important to Snowsetters, who spend their entire lives close to their birth-colony.
They are normal sized, muscular cats with lion-like qualities. They have a lot of pride in their star-shaped manes, which grow out as they age. Compared to other bloodlines, these cats are loud and proud about how every bloodline has split off from them one way or another.

The Wolfborne are one of the rarest bloodlines to see. They originated as a type of gift from Gojko, the god of wolves. Though many see it as a curse instead. The creatures come with more strength, but less cat features. They sprout odd eyes, can grow tusk, and seem to be a mismatch of feline and canine qualities. Tails are usually long and cat-like. Eyes are smaller, nose is a fusion between canid and felid.
Wolfborne normally have wolfborne parents from a Pack. But it’s known that a wolfborne parent will always produce another wolfborne, even with a different bloodline.
The largest colony containing these 'felines' is called Arulea, far off in the north-eastern mountains within the Wolves' Reach. They have many festivals that focus on displays of dominance, the most popular for all kinds being the Grand Arena. It is a tournament where the winner could win a relic of power within the War domain, if their performance entertained Gojko.

With a family line that has been tampered with by beast, Softclaws have a rather otherworldly appearance that cats find approachable. These are purebred cats in human terms, your ragdolls and your russian blues.
Softclaws value stories and share tales. They love to gossip, and always want to be in the know. They hail from no colony of their own, as many are under the watchful eye of doting beast.

Halfbloods are mixes between lesser cats and greater cats, such as bobcats and lynxes. Like the Wolfborne, they're an incredibly large bloodline in size. These cats usually have the body of their wild half with the coloration and pattern of their lesser parent. Though the reverse is also true. Those with bobcat/lynx in them tend to have half the tail length of most cats, if not just bobbed tails.
The largest Halfblood colony is Roihim , off into the deserts of Lumino. Similar to Snowsetters, Halfbloods value bonds and relationships of all kinds. They tend to believe that there is good in everyone and would gladly lending a helping paw to anyone in need. They're known to send their adolescent young out in groups to explore the world on their own and gain experience, meaning a lot of mischievous is likely caused by their young ones. If these younger felines decided to instead settle in a place they've found, it's expected they will trek back to their birthplace to keep in touch.
Because of their size they can go toe to toe with a Wolfborne. Thus, they can participate in the Grand Arena without risk of dying as much as their smaller siblings can.

Little energetic cats with a history of living underground, twisting and digging through tunnels with ease. Rootlings are bonded with plantlife, and usually find value in all living things. Normally pacifist, rootlings use their extra set of legs and eyes to dig through tunnels when danger approches.
They live in small, immediate family units that may at times merge with others for a short period. The majority of a rootling’s life is solitary. They’re omnivorous as well and can survive on just plantlife for a few days before requiring meat.

All Carni have shiny crystals/gems that are embedded in their heads. They can be horns, antlers, or nubs. As they age, their fur becomes whiter and whiter due e to the energy wells they are surrounded by bleaching their fur.
The fur is also long on the legs and elbows, with a longer tuft of fur on the tip of the tail. Their eyes are shaped as infinity signs, and their skin is colored similar to the color of them gemstone.
Carni value the reading and writing more than others. Many cats favor the spoken word, while Carni value the written. They are situated near the largest city in Lumino, so that they can more easily collect text to add to their collection. It's said that they have the most diverse library of all cats, which doesn't mean too much as only major colonies tend to record their history physically.
Knowledge is money to the Carni. Stories, facts, anything that can be shared is valued highly.

Wildlings were born away from major colonies and instead raised in the wilderness. Former pets, their blood is a mix of everything, making them quite the wildcard appearance-wise. Many of the Wildlings in Lumino hail from Ravensong, a colony far in the warmer northern stretch. Their home is surrounded by evergreen trees and flowing rivers.
Wildlings make up the majority of the felid population. In every colony, chances are you will find at least one. They're adaptable creatures with a knack for understanding the world and it's many turning gears.